How Lynn came to my rescue, and "exterminated" unsightly spider veins!

Ahhh, finally; sweet, sweaty, summertime. It’s time to enjoy the beach, rooftop lounges, poolside parties and a dress down attitude.  It’s all good fun that goes with lighter, brighter colors and silhouettes that show more leg and then some…   My immediate emergency concern was wanting to wear flirty skirts and dresses that somehow don’t look right or feel right with stockings or leggings in the summer.


My problem?

Some not so itsy-bitsy spider veins that are very visible on my calves keeping those cute sexy dresses collecting dust in my closet.  Since my tarantula type of spider vein would not be easily zapped with a laser, I needed to find a better way to “exterminate” this unsightly situation quickly.

The solution?

I asked Nurse Lynn Wojton, expert injector, for an evaluation.  With a wave of her hand, she said “easy, I can take care of that.”  Yes! Music to my ears.  She recommended a procedure called Sclerotherapy, which is done by injecting a mild chemical solution into the incompetent vein.  The procedure restores proper circulation by re-routing the blood supply to a healthy vein.  Lynn recommended two to three treatments based on the severity of my veins. 

The Results?

I’ve had two treatments so far and I am already seeing fantastic results!! “Ba-Bye” tarantula veins... “Hello” sexy legs and outfits. 

Read more about the Sclerotherapy procedure and possible side effects, which are very minor. 

How I got rid of my jowls without surgery!

I love getting older but I don't like looking older!  Having worked in the cosmetic industry for over 7 years, I am very well versed in the aging process and probably overly aware of how my face is aging.  What I've been dreading the most are the ineviatable jowls that I start seeing patients complaning about in their 40s.  Now that I'm in my 40's, I've been analyzing my face and trying to stay proactive.  When I had my photos taken at my last Botox treatment, I couldn't believe what I saw.  Jowls!!!  There is nothing good about having jowls. Nothing. 

No matter how diligent you might be about adhering to your skincare routine and getting plenty of rest, bone changes and loss of collagen and elastin in the skin are inevitable.  Until recently, the only solution was a face lift which is invasive and premature for someone in their early 40s.  The thought of a facelift terrifies me and since I have a thin face, I run the risk of having that "wind blown" look.

Instead of freaking out about my jowls, I scheduled an appointment with Lynn Wojton at Chelsea Cosmetic to discuss my options.  I trust her implicitly and knew she would lead me in the right direction.  I also brought my mom along with me, who is 66, to discuss her options as well. 

Lynn recommended a three tier approach for me:

Exilis Elite

The first treatment Lynn recommended was a radiofrequency device treatment called Exilis Elite to my lower face and upper neck.  During an Exilis treatment, precisely controlled radio frequency energy is used to heat the deeper layers of the skin.  This heat causes fat cells to shrink and contracts the skin tissue, stimulating new collagen production in the process.  She recommended three treatments two weeks apart.  The procedure was actually pretty relaxing and although it did get really hot at times, it was definitely tolerable. I noticed a subtle tightening effect at the 4 month mark and there was absolutely no downtime with this procedure which was a bonus!

Facial Fillers

Lynn recommneded two syringes of Resytlane to my cheeks and under my eye as well as one syringe of Voluma to the jawline and outer parameters of my face.  As we age, our skeleton shrinks and the bones resorb.  We also lose collagen, so fillers help re-create that structure and volume that was lost.  By lifting up the cheeks and sagging jawline with fillers, my jowls significantly improved.


Believe it or not, this was actually the most effective treatment I tried!  I was used to having Botox injected into my forehead but nobody had ever suggested injecting Botox into a muscle known as the DAO (depressor anguli oris).  The DAOs are the muscles that pull down the corners of the mouth.  By placing just a few units in that area, the corners of my mouth turned up and that immediately softened the appearence of jowls.


Lynn recommeded Ultherapy to my mother.  The Ultherapy procedure stimulates collagen production by delivering focused ultrasound energy to the skin's foundational layer without cutting or disrupting the surface of the skin.  It goes deeper than Exilis and only requires one treatment.  My mom thought it hurt like hell but she got fantastic results as you can see in the photo below!

64 year old patient had one treatment of Ultherapy to her lower face and neck.

64 year old patient had one treatment of Ultherapy to her lower face and neck.

People always look at me sideways when I tell them I'm in my 40's because these treatments literally taken years off my face.  I am so grateful to have found Chelsea Cosmetic. For people with signficant laxity, a facelift might be the only option but for those who do not want to go under the knife and have mild to moderate laxity, there are excellent alternatives.

Exilis Elite: The answer to my cellulite prayers

Cellulite is not my friend. I look good in clothes but once they come off, the cellulite is there and it's noticeable. Cringe! In my teens, I first noticed a few dimples on my outer thighs and now in my 30's they have multiplied and there's even a few on my butt. I used to try and hide it when naked and felt very self conscious in a bathing suit. I avoided shorts and would slather myself in self tanner to make my legs look smoother.

There is very little you can do to treat cellulite and overall skin laxity. Diet and exercise was not enough to make my skin smooth. Until recently, there wasn't an effective device to treat cellulite, skin laxity, and small pockets of fat.   Patients are often skeptical when I mention skin tightening devices because most of the models out there do not produce impressive results. My reputation is very important to me and giving treatments that are underwhelming or lack luster at best is unacceptable.

The Exilis Elite has been an answer to my cellulite prayers! I've been using the Exilis Elite since January of 2015 and I have literally seen results in every single one of my patients and even more importantly, myself! I've treated my thighs, butt and stomach. The cellulite and overall skin quality has improved dramatically and for the first time since my prepubescent years, I feel confident naked with the lights on.

The eyes are one of the first areas to show signs of aging because the skin is thinner. I've been really impressed with the results in this area to clean up skin laxity and fine lines. Most patients need a series 4 treatments to achieve the results we're looking for. The greatest thing about Exilis Elite is that I can treat every body part from the forehead to the cankles.

Meet your skin's new best friend Clear + Brilliant

I’ve been a nurse in the cosmetic world for ten years and my face is my calling card.   I’ve been lucky enough to work and train under some of the most successful plastic surgeons and dermatologists in the country.  This has provided me the opportunity to get my hands on almost every laser and cosmetic device out there.  I’m the skeptic’s skeptic and it takes a lot to impress me. What has impressed me is the Clear + Brilliant laser. 

I’m able to offer noticeable improvement in most of my patient’s skin with just one treatment.  For patients with more complex issues such as melasma and significant sun damage, I recommend a series of treatments.

I’m looking in the mirror as I write this, and I’m noticing a few brown spots on my cheeks and some rough patches on my forehead.  Fortunately the Botox in my furrows is masking my contempt for these signs of aging.  After the success I had with Clear + Brilliant at another office, I begged Chelsea Cosmetic to invest in this  gem and I can hardly contain myself waiting for it to arrive on Monday.  Now I won’t have to buy my winter shade of concealer to hide these sun spots. Waking up with a glow to my skin is priceless! 

This treatment is virtually painless and other than some mild redness, the downtime is negligible.  Do me a favor.  Stand up right now, go to your bathroom, turn on the lights and look at your skin with a critical eye.  Do you see enlarged pores?  Is the texture uneven?  Are there any new freckles or sunspots left over from the summer?  Are you starting to detect fine lines and wrinkles? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Clear +Briliant is your new best friend.