Cellulite is not my friend. I look good in clothes but once they come off, the cellulite is there and it's noticeable. Cringe! In my teens, I first noticed a few dimples on my outer thighs and now in my 30's they have multiplied and there's even a few on my butt. I used to try and hide it when naked and felt very self conscious in a bathing suit. I avoided shorts and would slather myself in self tanner to make my legs look smoother.
There is very little you can do to treat cellulite and overall skin laxity. Diet and exercise was not enough to make my skin smooth. Until recently, there wasn't an effective device to treat cellulite, skin laxity, and small pockets of fat. Patients are often skeptical when I mention skin tightening devices because most of the models out there do not produce impressive results. My reputation is very important to me and giving treatments that are underwhelming or lack luster at best is unacceptable.
The Exilis Elite has been an answer to my cellulite prayers! I've been using the Exilis Elite since January of 2015 and I have literally seen results in every single one of my patients and even more importantly, myself! I've treated my thighs, butt and stomach. The cellulite and overall skin quality has improved dramatically and for the first time since my prepubescent years, I feel confident naked with the lights on.
The eyes are one of the first areas to show signs of aging because the skin is thinner. I've been really impressed with the results in this area to clean up skin laxity and fine lines. Most patients need a series 4 treatments to achieve the results we're looking for. The greatest thing about Exilis Elite is that I can treat every body part from the forehead to the cankles.